Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Heavy Bear Who Goes With Me Essays - Alcohol Abuse,

The Heavy Bear Who Goes With Me The Heavy Bear Who Goes With Me Alcohol, probably the oldest drug known, has been used since the earliest of societies for celebration, rituals, and other social situations. In the early 1920's, society viewed alcohol as more of a social problem. The 18th amendment was passed to outlaw the consumption, sale, or trade of alcohol. This action caused much more delinquency, as a result of gangsters, and other organized crimes against the government. Prohibition was abolished with the 21st amendment in 1933. The poem ?The Heavy Bear Who Goes With Me? was written only a few years after prohibition and reflects the true nature of alcoholism. Although alcoholism was still frowned upon in this era, Schwartz uses a bear to expose and reflect the true nature of alcoholism. In the last stanza, ?The secret life of belly and bone? shows that Schwartz feels that alcoholism is still unacceptable behavior. Schwartz uses physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of a bear to explain the nature of alcoholism. Schwartz gives the bear human characteristics that would be true of an alcoholic, ?Clumsy and lumbering here and there? and ?In love with candy, anger, and sleep.? Much like bears, people who are alcoholics, may experience a great deal of difficulty keeping his/her balance or controlling their emotions. Schwartz furthers this metaphor of an alcoholic by showing a physical dependence: ?Trembles and shows the darkness beneath.? Due to withdrawal, an alcoholic may wake up in the morning with tremors and distress that require a drink for relief. The bear is also eager to engulf his physical need as shown in the line, ?A manifold honey to smear on his face.? This strong need for alcohol outweighs what a person knows and understands about the effect on the body. Schwartz conveys to his readers that alcoholism is an inevitable burden. He tells us the bear is ?That inescapable animal walks with me / Moves where I move, distorting my gesture.? It is apparent that Schwartz feels that alcoholis m is a burden. Conflicts with culture may make it difficult for some people to develop their own stable attitudes and moderate patterns of drinking. An alcoholic may feel the drinking is a way to become more sociable or change their mood. The author shows that although the bear appears to be confident, he has many insecurities, ?The strutting show-off is terrified, dressed in his dress-suit.? Schwartz shows an unhealthy connection to drinking, ?A sweetness intimate as the waters clasp.? This line explains the emotional hold alcohol has over the bear. Using the word ?intimate,? he shares with the readers what a very personal issue this is for an alcoholic. When he describes the ?waters clasp,? the reader is able to understand what a strong grasp alcohol has over him. The bear ?Howls in his sleep because of the tightrope? to further explain the emotional pain associated with this illness. Along with physical and emotional duress, the psychology of an alcoholic is a deep, recurring issue. An alcoholic who has sustained from drinking is referred to as a ?recovering alcoholic,? not as a ?cured alcoholic.? The author is unable to freely admit this is a problem for him; he uses the bear as a scapegoat. Schwartz tells us the story of the bear on his back. He leads the readers to believe that if it weren't for the bear that everything would be okay. He states, ?With whom I would walk without him near.? If the author could do this and leave his unbearable problems, he feels it ?would bare my heart and make me clear.? An alcoholic must recognize that he or she is powerless over alcohol, and seek help from a higher power in regaining control of his or her life. Alcoholism is an extremely serious problem it both today as it was yesterday. The poem ?The Heavy Bear Who Goes With Me? was written to expose a serious problem in an era where there was little or no help for this serious illness. The disorder is marked by extreme or compulsive use of alcohol. This horrifying disease strikes millions of Americans, ?The scrimmage of appetite everywhere.? Schwartz complaints of the bear and describes it as

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Leadership in Beowulf essays

Leadership in Beowulf essays A well-respected, honored leader is a person that everyone strives to be. It is a type of person that everyone can look up to, try to emulate, and look to in times of distress. Although everyone is different in their own respects, there are characteristics common to most great leaders that can be picked out. The story Beowulf told by Robert Nye contains many different rulers that people follow. Among the various characteristics these men share, a few great qualities shine through, these being generosity, loyalty, and bravery. The leaders Beowulf and Hrothgar portray these qualities multiple times throughout the story. Generosity to ones people and ones friends is a characteristic everyone wants in a leader. In the story, Beowulf defeats Grendel, an enemy of Hrothgar and his people. For this mighty deed performed, Hrothgar not only holds a party for several days in Beowulfs honor, he also rewards him greatly with many riches (45-46). Another example of a leaders generosity takes place when Beowulf arrives back to his homeland. He is carrying many riches from his battles against evil in Hrothgars land. He goes and talks to his king, whereupon he gives all of it to him and the queen, even a prized golden collar. Beowulf simply said that all he gained was gained as a retainer of his king, so it all belonged to him (82-83). This shows that Beowulf had no greed and did not desire any gold or riches. He was generous and gave all to his king. Loyalty is another quintessential quality in a leader. Knowing that your leader is loyal to your country or cause is necessary. Beowulf personifies this quality. After defeating Grendel, Grendels mother came after Hrothgar and his people. Beowulf went heedlessly after this new threat to help his friend. He and his company tracked Grendels mothers tracks until they reached her lair. Upon this discovery, Beowulf departed from his subordinates and went to face...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Costo, requisitos y documentos para renovar DACA

Costo, requisitos y documentos para renovar DACA Los muchachos migrantes indocumentados que han tenido alguna vez DACA aprobado pueden solicitar su renovacià ³n por decisià ³n de varias sentencias judiciales, a pesar de la orden del presidente Donald Trump de finalizar ese programa. DACA es un permiso que permite vivir temporalmente en Estados Unidos a jà ³venes migrantes indocumentados que llegaron al paà ­s siendo nià ±os y que reà ºnen una serie de requisitos. La obtencià ³n de DACA abre la puerta a la obtencià ³n de un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social, permiso de trabajo, licencia de manejar, etc., pero no es un camino hacia la tarjeta de residencia permanente, conocida como green card. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre los requisitos para solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA, quà © documentos deben presentarse al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), cul es el costo y posibles casos para pedir una exencià ³n del pago y, finalmente, con cunta antelacià ³n se debe enviar la peticià ³n de renovacià ³n y cunto tiempo se demoran en contestar.  ¿Quià ©nes pueden renovar DACA?: Requisitos Para tener derecho para solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA es obligatorio cumplir los siguientes requisitos. En primer lugar, tener o haber tenido DACA aprobado. En otras palabras, en la actualidad, no se puede solicitar este permiso por primera vez. Tampoco se puede solicitar un advance parole, que es un permiso para viajar fuera de Estados Unidos y regresar y que cuando gobernaba el presidente Barack Obama sà ­ que se podà ­a pedir. En segundo lugar, es obligatorio no haber salido de Estados Unidos a fecha del 15 de agosto de 2012 o posteriormente, a menos que se tuviera un advance parole que lo permitiese. En tercer lugar, es requisito haber residido permanentemente en los Estados Unidos desde la fecha que se solicità ³ DACA por primera vez. Y, finalmente, tambià ©n es requisito no haber sido condenado por una felonà ­a, ni falta importante –lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como significant misdemeanor– ni por 3 o ms faltas regulares. Tampoco pueden solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA los muchachos considerados como un peligro para la seguridad nacional o pà ºblica. En este à ºltimo apartado estn considerados los miembros de las pandillas. Segà ºn el National Immigration Law Center, es altamente recomendable para los muchachos indocumentados contactar con un abogado migratorio de AILA o con un representante acreditado por el Board of Immigration Appeals antes de solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA si estn en una de las siguientes situaciones: Ha sido arrestadoTiene una acusacià ³n pendienteTiene una citacià ³n judicialHa sido condenado por delito o faltaTiene una orden de deportacià ³n, ha firmado una salida voluntariaTiene un caso de inmigracià ³n cerrado administrativamenteTiene abierto un proceso de deportacià ³n o de expulsià ³n En estos casos mencionados, la solicitud de renovacià ³n de DACA podrà ­a llamar la atencià ³n de las autoridades migratorias sobre las circunstancias del solicitante y colocarle en situacià ³n de prioridad de deportacià ³n. Para evitar estos riesgos es recomendable consultar el caso con un abogado migratorio. Tramitacià ³n para solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA y documentos necesarios Hay dos clases de tramitacià ³n para solicitar la renovacià ³n del caso. Asà ­, deben utilizar los documentos que se utilizaron para solicitar DACA por primera vez todos aquellos muchachos cuyo DACA hubiera expirado antes del 5 de septiembre de 2016. Asimismo, deben seguir ese mismo procedimiento los que tuvieron alguna vez DACA y les fue terminado por una decisià ³n de USCIS y los muchachos cuyo DACA fue inicialmente aprobado por ICE. Los documentos para solicitar la renovacià ³n en esos tres casos son los siguientes: Forma 821DForma I-765, para el permiso de trabajoForma I-765WCopia por delante y por detrs del à ºltimo permiso de trabajoDos fotos tipo pasaporte tomadas en los à ºltimos 30 dà ­as antes de enviar solicitud de renovacià ³n.Todos los documentos que demuestran que se reà ºnen los requisitos para DACA en relacià ³n a edad, identidad, residencia en Estados Unidos y educacià ³n o servicio militar. Por otro lado, los muchachos con DACA con fecha de expiracià ³n del 5 de septiembre de 2016 o posterior pueden aplicar para renovar enviando los siguientes documentos. Forma 821D, dejar en blanco la parte que dice for inicial request onlyForma I-765Forma I-765WCopia de anverso y reverso de à ºltimo permiso de trabajo2 fotos tipo pasaporte tomadas en los à ºltimos 30 dà ­asAdjuntar documentos nuevos si ha habido arrestos, detenciones, inicio procedimiento de deportacià ³n, etc. y no se han aportado previamente. En todos los casos de renovacià ³n deben utilizarse los formularios ms recientes, que pueden obtenerse gratuitamente en la pgina oficial de USCIS y verificar que se rellena la casilla en la que se solicita la fecha de expiracià ³n del permiso DACA. USCIS puede solicitar informacià ³n adicional o puede contactar con otras agencias del gobierno para verificar que no se ha mentido en la solicitud de renovacià ³n de DACA. En cuando a quà © oficina de USCIS se debe enviar la solicitud, depende del lugar de residencia del solicitante. Se aconseja utilizar correo certificado para hacer mejor seguimiento del paquete y tambià ©n es aconsejable incluir el formulario G-1145 para recibir confirmacià ³n digital de que ha sido aceptado por USCIS. Costo de renovar DACA y posibles exenciones de pago El costo actual para renovar DACA est fijado en $495. Si no se puede pagar se pueden solicitar prà ©stamos o becas como la de United We Dream. Adems, USCIS permite en casos excepcionales solicitar la exencià ³n del pago a las personas que se encuentren en alguna de las siguientes circunstancias. Menores de 18 aà ±os en foster care, desamparados o sin apoyo familiar y con ingresos inferiores al 150% de la là ­nea de pobreza.Incapacitados crà ³nicos con ingresos inferiores al 150% de la là ­nea de pobrezaPersonas con deudas superiores a $10.000 en el à ºltimo aà ±o por gastos mà ©dicos para sà ­ mismas o familiares inmediatos y con ingresos inferiores al 150% de la là ­nea de la pobreza. En estos casos, debe enviarse a USCIS antes de solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA una carta en inglà ©s con documentos que apoyen el caso y enviarla a: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration ServicesAttn: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Fee Exemption Request20 Massachusetts Ave., NW4th Floor, Suite 4300MSC 2300Washington, DC 20529 Si USCIS aprueba la exencià ³n, debe incluirse la carta en la solicitud de renovacià ³n. Cundo debe enviarse la solicitud de renovacià ³n de DACA En la actualidad, USCIS recomienda enviar la solicitud de renovacià ³n entre 120 y 150 dà ­as antes de la fecha de expiracià ³n y se est demorando entre 3 y 5 meses en tramitarlas, si bien hay casos en los que ha tardado menos. Cabe preguntarse si es aconsejable enviar la solicitud de renovar antes de los 150 dà ­as aconsejables teniendo en cuenta la situacià ³n voltil que se vive. Y es que la supervivencia de DACA depende de resoluciones judiciales. Hasta ahora principalmente dos sentencias han permitido que el programa siga adelante, aunque en una versià ³n limitada: Regents of the University of California et al v. Department of Homeland Security al. y NAACP v. Trump. Por el contrario, Texas v. Nielsen es una amenaza. En este contexto de gran incertidumbre por lo que deparar el futuro solicitar la renovacià ³n antes de 150 dà ­as de su expiracià ³n puede tener sentido. Por ejemplo, si un permiso DACA tiene fecha de expiracià ³n del 30 de septiembre de 2019 y se solicita su renovacià ³n el 31 de enero de ese aà ±o, puede suceder que USCIS la apruebe en mayo de 2019 y, de esa forma, està © dando un permiso de trabajo con validez de dos aà ±os, es decir, mayo de 2021. Si DACA fuera definitivamente terminado antes de septiembre de 2019 eso quiere decir que se abrà ­an ganado casi dos aà ±os con permiso para trabajar. Pero lo cierto es que no se sabe quà © va a pasar y en el caso de que DACA fuera terminado tampoco se sabe si USCIS permitirà ­a que los permisos de trabajo siguieran vigentes, si se tramitarà ­an las solicitudes ya enviadas pero todavà ­a no tramitadas o si simplemente se cortarà ­an de raà ­z todos los beneficios y, adems, se perderà ­a el dinero de la cuota de $495 porque USCIS podrà ­a no regresarla. Por todo ello se aconseja consultar con un abogado en el caso de pedir la renovacià ³n de DACA con una antelacià ³n superior a 150 dà ­as a la fecha de expiracià ³n del permiso que actualmente se tiene. Renovar DACA: requisitos, documentos, costo y cundo enviar solicitud Los muchachos indocumentados que llegaron a Estados Unidos siendo nià ±os podrà ­an continuar beneficindose del permiso conocido como DACA que autoriza a vivir en el paà ­s y permite la obtencià ³n de un permiso de trabajo. ¿Quià ©nes pueden aplicar por DACA por primera vez?: NADIE ¿Quià ©nes pueden renovar DACA?: los muchachos con DACA aprobado, los que tuvieron el permiso pero les expirà ³ y aquellos que tambià ©n lo tuvieron pero les fue cancelado por USCIS. ¿Quià ©nes deben consultar con un abogado antes de presentar solicitud de renovacià ³n? Muchachos con sentencias condenatorias por delitos o faltas, acusados por hechos criminales, con citaciones judiciales, considerados un riesgo para la seguridad nacional o pà ºblica, con casos abiertos de deportacià ³n, orden de deportacià ³n o expulsià ³n, salida voluntaria firmada, caso de inmigracià ³n cerrado administrativamente, etc. ¿Cul es el costo de renovar DACA?: $495. En algunos casos es posible solicitar e xencià ³n del pago. ¿Cundo enviar solicitud de renovacià ³n?: USCIS recomienda enviarla entre 120 y 150 dà ­as antes de la expiracià ³n del permiso actual. Se est demorando unos 120 dà ­a en resolver. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para casos concretos.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Way companies should handle customers and employees in a Essay

Way companies should handle customers and employees in a multiculturalism environment - Essay Example Way companies should handle customers and employees in a multiculturalism environment? The purpose of the project is to inform company B on the need to implement the best practices for communicating in a multicultural environment. The objectives of the project are implemented, this includes the offer of the best practices and recommendations vital for achieving success in a multicultural environment. The conclusions are also included, which sum up done by the research report practices and recommendations vital for achieving success when dealing with diverse cultures. The globalization era has altered the way companies carry out business and communicate across diverse cultures. The Internet and current technology have paved the way to new market places, which enables companies to promote their business in the international or new geographic areas and cultures. The world demands marketing experts who are capable of recognizing the rising communication complexities across cultural borders. The intercultural communication is becoming radically significant in the current globalised world. This concerns especially the companies going global or the companies carrying out international business as well as handling customers from diverse cultural backgrounds. Developing the capacity to understand the ways of the efficient communication with customers from varied cultural settings is imperative. This skill is impera

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Choose an internationally operating firm with publicly available Essay

Choose an internationally operating firm with publicly available reporting and download its most recent annual report. Analyse this report and summarize your findings in an executive summary - Essay Example This is probably one of the factors that have contributed to its position as the world’s largest of athletic footwear and apparel (Nike Inc., 2014, p. 47). Perhaps another factor that has contributed to this status is its adoption of technology-based innovation. Nike indicates that one of the channels through which it sells its products is its websites, a marketing venture it refers to as Direct to Consumer (DTC) operations. Indeed, Nike has carved out a niche for itself as the brand to watch in the sports world. Nike’s annual report is now analyzed to understand how and why Nike has managed to attain this achievement. Nike has a wide revenue base. It has a wide range of products from which it develops its product mix. According to its annual report, there are eight key categories of Nike’s product offerings. These are running, basketball, football (Soccer), women’s training, men’s training, sportswear, action sports and golf (Nike Inc., 2014, p. 47). Nike sells its products in a number of markets and geographical segments. It reports the following operating segments: North America, Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, Japan, Greater China and Emerging Markets. Moreover, Converse operations, whose results are reported independently, are another of Nike’s segments. In terms of sales revenues, Nike classifies its revenue collection as either local or international. For the 2014 fiscal year, Nike and Converse sales in the US contributed to 46% of total revenues.26 % of these sales came from Nike’s three largest customers (Nike Inc., 2014, p. 48). In retrospect, sales from the international category accounted for 54% of Nike’s total revenues. In this category, its three largest customers accounted for a total of 6% of its international revenues. Financial data is usually an important element for any entity. Such data arises from the accounting process and is usually represented as financial

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Role of Communication Essay Example for Free

Role of Communication Essay The development of Information Systems has forever changed the way people communicate hence managing multiple levels of communication is a complex enterprise. Todays technology is the cornerstone to maintain links and correspondence with many different Discussions and information through equipment plays a main role in the global communitys growth in areas of human interaction. Communicating through technology is such an integral part of family, national and world communities, everything continues to move forward at a rapid pace. Increasingly, every aspect of the planets effort to communicate effectively and in a timely manner depends on Information Systems. In the last two decades our world has been changed gradually form one condition to another. The revolution of new ideas always comes up to the minds of every person, especially the idea to improve technology which people need to make the living better. As the result, modern technology has been bringing people certain advantages such as ways for fast communication. Nowadays, people can get latest news from any parts of the world very quickly, pay their bills, by using E-mail and Internet. lso, the internet can be seen in aiding the spread of culture, because all of the communication made possible by the internet. Moreover, telephone-local or/and oversea is playing a key role for people to communicate to with each other. Information Systems is the back bone of todays communication. The massive data and increasing volumes of data needs organized storing and fast and effective processing for variety of purposes fro m decision making to risk management, from transaction processing to stat e-the art products. The large-scale businesses are globally distributed across the world which needs stable and reliable infrastructure and network administration and the applications which can run and handle simultaneous, real time and fast processing. The availability of technology has enabled the businesses to offer variety of services which has made Information Technology as part of the businesses today. What seems to be a simple online banking transaction for instance, involves web-based programs which run on a one platform and access the data in another platform like mainframe and tho make there should e network communication and systems which can communicate to each other, available 24 by 7. The more businesses grow the more dependent they become of Information Systems Some make a clear distinction between information systems, ICT, and business processes. Information systems are distinct from information technology in that an information system is typically seen as having an ICT component. Inform ation systems are also different from business processes. Information systems help to control the performance of business processes [3].

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Phrenology Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Phrenology Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is primarily a novel about a man’s trip to the African Congo and the horrors he encounters while there. However Conrad’s novel is also a story of its time and therefore makes mention of the theories held when it was written. Included in these ideas is that of phrenology and its relatives, mentioned clearly when the doctor examining Marlow asks, â€Å"[may I] measure your head?† and the doctor then produces â€Å"a thing like calipers and [gets] the dimensions back and front and every way...† (p. 13). The following will provide a description of Phrenology and its implications. A pseudo-science developed by Austrian physician Franz Joseph Gall in the early 1800s, Phrenology is in its most basic form the study of the morphology of the human skull and its relation to human character. Gall’s â€Å"doctrine of Phrenology† (www. is based upon five key principles, which were first presented in his work The Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System in General, and of the Brain in Particular. First, it is understood that man’s â€Å"moral and intellectual faculties† are innate† (Sabattini, R) and that their expression depends on how the brain is organized. Secondly, he proposed that the brain is the organ responsible for all inclinations, emotions and abilities. Thirdly he stated that the brain is composed of many different â€Å"organs† (Sabattini, R.) with each one being responsible for a certain human function. He also proposed that the size of these â€Å"organs† is directly related to th e amount of their presence and use in specific pers! ons. And finally, he suggested that the external morphology of the skull directly expresses the internal structure of the brain and that the â€Å"relative ... ... While Gall was incorrect in theorizing that the external skull reflects the personality and tendencies of an individual, he was surprisingly correct and in fact pioneered the idea that specific human functions and emotions are related to specific regions of the brain. His way of coming to this conclusion was scientifically incorrect but the implications of this idea helped modern science discover the idea of cerebral localization that is present today. Sources A comprehensive site which includes phrenology charts, photographs of key figures in the development of phrenology as well as a thorough overview of the science. A site designed by Dr. Renato M.E. Sabatini which gives a basic overview of the science and provides wonderful links to other sites on phrenology.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Influence of Western Cowboys in America

Have you ever seen a typical American Western Movie? If so, I think it’s not difficult to form an image of western cowboys in your mind. Then what do they look like? A boy, wearing felt hat and riding boots with dagger and handgun on the waist, press his two legs powerful which makes the horse speed away. In a word, west cowboys are the heroes on horsebacks. Because of the lifestyle and behaviors of them, western cowboys have become a sign of liberty, bravery and adventuresome. From the old cowboys make influences on American culture gradually which can be seen from not only work of art but also their paraphernalia and ideas on values. Apart from movies, songs and poetry are also vivid in describing their feelings and life. According to Harold Braverman in his article published on VOA, they just sang these songs as they rode on the saddles of their horses across the cattle lands which were very close to them. ( At that time, they fought against the deserted area and silence with the beautiful tunes and words. As Thin Lizzy sang in the song â€Å"Cowboy Song† in Live And Dangerous, â€Å"Riding in the rodeo /Roll me over and set me free†. This could explain why they are so fascinated by the riding life—they are longing for liberty, of course. Their riding with their free thinking in the wind gradually becomes a symbol which roots in American dreams about freedom. A noose, cowboy towels, clothes, cowboy hat, cowboy boots–modern cowboy costume hasn't much difference from that in movies. Because everything has its existence value rather than is just decoration. For example, the noose is the most useful tool to control the herd. Once some cattle rush out the queue, cowboys use it to catch them which show their power and technique. The bandanna called cowboy towels is multipurpose which protect cowboys from sunburn, dust and chilliness. What’s more, the tall cowboy boots decorated with colorful leathers and spurs make it more efficient while working from horseback. I think it’s the rough and sharp surfaces that stimulate the horse to toe the line. Anyway, the wonderful images make a deep impression on ordinary people with the enthusiasm to catch the fashion dressing. To some extent, it also teaches people focus on the homemade or handwork without expensive materials. In the eyes of who advocate nature, these primary things can be just suitable. West cowboys are a group of people from all over the world who are looking for opportunities to become heroes. Most of them came from Mexico and South of America, where are close to the western America, but also are those from Nevada in Australia. To be a real cowboy, gift and acquired hard work are both required. Of course, tenacity is indispensable to a cowboy which contains too much meaning. First, he lives and accompanies with the herd. So they have self respect and show respects to the cattle at the same time for a better harmonious life. In Philip Ashton Rollins’s book The Cowboy: His Characteristics, His Equipment, and His Part in the development of the west, he mentioned that university of courage was an earmark of the cowboy’s trade. In fact, they face with the danger not only from the animals but also from the climate with Nature itself. They always stand hot, dusty, freezing weather conditions, the hard work and even damage deeply from inner alone. Most of the cowboys don’t seek fame or fortune, instead of their understanding and love of life. The cowboys have strong sense of justice, regard as a man of courage and daring, and stick to their own standards about rituals, laws and institutions outside. They are alone with the preference about the primitive life to modern urban life. But who really understand cowboy, understand their deep loneliness and magnificent? Understand they face west, grassland, herds of simple sentiment and ambitions? Perhaps, crowded cities in disgust and busy modern, more is the vast field and freedom. As traffic developed, arrived at the beginning of the 21st century, cowboy era finished. With the spread of the American culture, the cowboy culture with literature, film image, cowboy clothing, language, and the unique ballads, entertainment and so on influenced the whole world. Cowboys, with historical development and legend, become the important content of American culture, inspiring generations of America. Legend continues.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Using Material from Item a and Elsewhere, Assess the Usefulness of Subcultural Theories in Explaining ‘Subcultural Crime and Deviance’ in Society Today (21 Marks)

Using material from Item A and elsewhere, assess the usefulness of subcultural theories in explaining ‘subcultural crime and deviance’ in society today (21 marks) Subcultural theories believe that people who commit a crime share different values to the rest of society. Subculture theories come from two different schools of sociology which are appreciative sociology and strain theory.Appreciative sociology came from the University of Chicago in the early 20th Century; Chicago sociologists were determined to appreciate other lifestyles and cultures in Chicago using a participant observation which existed after a huge number of migrants from Europe and Southern USA. Whyte’s Street Corner Society (1943) suggests that deviant groups in society have clear norms and values which justify their behaviour.The Chicago study would say that it is useful in explaining subcultural crime and deviance because they used participant observations to get more accurate results within d ifferent subcultures and Whyte would also agree that it is useful because they could justify their behaviour by the norms and values in which they share. In item A â€Å"some sociologists link subcultural crime and deviance to the nature of capitalism† this shows that some sociologists believe that it doesn’t matter about what your norms and values are but depending on the amount of money that you have will determine you to turn to crime.In a stratified society they have goals which are linked with their position in the social system, each layer share different goals, but the system can only work if the majority of people can reach their goals, however, if they can’t then you can reach an anomie. This theory of that crime is committed due to your social class isn’t useful because it is more stereotypical to say that a lower on under class would commit the crimes rather than middle and upper class due to their subcultures norms and values being different b ut it isn’t to say that they won’t commit the crimes but it would be for different reasons.Robert Merton (1938) located a deviance within a functionalist framework. He said that crime and deviance were a result of a strain between the socially accepted goals of society for example having your dream house, and socially approved means of achieving these goals which are getting a job in which can support the socially accepted goals. This can lead to a state of anomie in which an individual suffering from anomie would strive to attain the common goals of a specific society yet would not be able to reach these goals legitimately ecause of the structural limitations in society. As a result the individual would exhibit deviant behaviour. Merton then suggested if a section of society cannot achieve a set of goals, they look to alternative ways of achieving their goals. There are 5 different forms of behaviour which could be understood as a strain between goals and means and th ey are: conformity (wanting to fit in), innovation (progressing), ritualism (things you go for), retreatism (step back from society) and rebellion (rebel against society).Merton’s theory has proven useful because he said that due to the poor fit in society causes anomie and by identifying 5 different forms of behaviour each member in society will fit into one section and is easier to place them into a subculture to help explain crime and deviance, by using the five stages will help locate the highest rates and become more useful to people analysing crime rates and what their behaviour is between their goals and means.Cloward and Ohlin (1960) said that Merton had failed to appreciate that there was a parallel opportunity structure to the legal one which is called the illegitimate opportunity structure. In this illegitimate opportunity structure a regular criminal career is available, with recognised means of obtaining the society’s goals. Dick Hobbs (1998) used the ille gitimate opportunity structure to interview successful professional criminals who had demonstrated that they have a possible career in crime as they were given the right connections and qualities to be a criminal.The illegal opportunity structure has 3 different subcultures which are: criminal such as gangs, conflict such as people fighting against society and retreatist which are people retreating from society. The illegitimate opportunity structure is seen as useful in explaining subcultural crime and deviance because for some people there is a criminal opportunity structure and is easy to identify which category they fall into and how it is easier to move from one to another depending on the values and morals in each group.In conclusion subcultural theories are useful in explaining subcultural crime and deviance in society today because categorising people into particular groups allows it easier to compare and allows people to justify reasons for committing the crimes rather than just stereotyping particular people, and as seen in the Chicago study using participant observations becomes more reliable and get more of an insight into why people commit the crimes they do.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How To Use the Spanish ‘Cuando’

How To Use the Spanish ‘Cuando’ The Spanish word cuando  usually the equivalent of the English when, although its use is far more versatile than the English word. It can serve as a preposition, conjunction, or adverb, and it frequently is used in situations where when doesnt work as a translation. Cuando as a Conjunction Cuando is used most often as a conjunction, a type of word that in this case connects two clauses, a sentence-like statement that includes a subject (which may be implied) and a verb. Although the conjunction cuando can often be translated as when, cuando doesnt always indicate that a time element is at play. In those situations, context sometimes makes it better to think of cuando as meaning a condition such as if or since. Here are some examples of cuando meaning when: Siempre voy al mercado cuando estoy en la ciudad. (I always go to the market when I am in the city. Here cuando joins the two clauses siempre voy al mercado and estoy en la ciudad.)Su padre era drogadicto cuando ella era una nià ±a. (Her father was a drug addict when she was a girl. Cuando joins su padre era drogadicto and ella era una nià ±a.)Cuando llegà ³ al aeropuerto me puse en la fila equivocada. (When I arrived at the airport, I got in the wrong line. As this sentence shows, a conjunction can link two clauses even when it comes at the beginning of the sentence rather than between the clauses.) If the action of the verb after cuando took place in the past, is ongoing, or takes place in the present, the verb is in the indicative mood. But if it takes place in the future, the subjunctive is used. Note the difference between these two sentences. Cuando la veo, siempre me siento feliz. (When I see her, I always feel happy. The action of siento is ongoing, so it is in the indicative mood.)Cuando la veo maà ±ana, me sienta feliz. (When I see her tomorrow, I will feel happy. The action of the verb happens tomorrow, so the subjunctive mood is used.) Here are examples of where a translation other than when might be used for cuando: Vamos a salir cuando està © tarde. (We are going to leave if he is late. Depending on the context, this sentence doesnt necessarily suggest that the person will be late.)Cuando brilla el Sol, podemos ir a la playa. (Since the sun is shining, we can go to the beach. Since works better than when in translation if it is known to the speaker and listener that the sun is shining.) Cuando as an Adverb When it appears in questions before a verb, cundo functions as an adverb and receives an orthographic accent.  ¿Cundo vienes? (When are you coming?) ¿Cundo van a llegar al hotel? (When will they are arrive at the hotel? ¿Cundo compraron el coche? (When did they buy a car?)No sà © cundo se resolver mi futuro. (I dont known when my future will be determined. This is an example of an indirect question.) Cuando also functions as an adverb when it follows a form of ser. When is almost always a suitable translation. Era cuando yo estaba ms vulnerable. (It was when I was most vulnerable.)Mi mentira favorita era cuando me decà ­as, te amo. (My favorite lie was when you told me, I love you.)La parte difà ­cil es cuando se tienen cuatro o cinco actores en la misma escena. (The difficult part is when there are four or five actors in the same scene.) Cuando as a Preposition When used as a preposition, cuando can often be translated as during or at the time of. Often the sentence using cuando  in this way cannot be translated word for word but must be loosely translated to indicate that something happened during the time of the prepositional object. Some examples: La escribià ³Ã‚  cuando  estudiante. (She wrote it when she was a student. Note that there are no words in Spanish that directly say she was, but that meaning is implied. A word-for-word translation would be when student, but that doesnt make sense.)Asà ­Ã‚  fue  cuando  la Revolucià ³n Francesa.  (Thats how it was during the French Revolution.)Cuando las  inundaciones  yo era muy chica. (At the time of the  floods  I was very young.)Yo era enfermizo cuando muchacho con asma, (As a  boy  with asthma I was sickly.) Key Takeaways Although cuando can be thought of as the Spanish word for when, it can also be used in other ways.A common use of cuando is as a conjunction combining two clauses.When cundo means when as an interrogative adverb in a question, the first syllable receives an accent mark.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Valedictorian vs. Salutatorian Whats the Difference

Valedictorian vs. Salutatorian What's the Difference SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips There are lots of reasons to work hard in high school: you gain important knowledge and skills, your grades help you get into great universities, and your dedication can even earn you scholarship money for tuition! But your hard work can also help you become valedictorian or salutatorian, which are awards given to the top two students in your graduating class. But what does it mean to be a valedictorian vs. a salutatorian? Don’t worry: you’ve come to the right place! Not only will we explain what a valedictorian and salutatorian is, we’ll also dig into the similarities and differences between the two awards and what they mean for the college admissions process. What Is a Valedictorian? Let’s start by learning more about becoming a valedictorian. Most schools award the title of valedictorian to the student who graduates with the highest cumulative GPA. So what does that mean exactly? Your cumulative GPA is the average of every final grade that you’ve made throughout high school! Additionally, most schools use a weighted average when ranking students. In other words, grades from AP and IB courses are given extra points to account for the difficulty of the course (which means that instead of a 4.0, you can earn a 5.0 in those classes). So if you have your heart set on becoming valedictorian, you’ll want to make sure you take AP courses- and make great grades in them! Furthermore, valedictorians are usually named during the second semester of senior year, and the award comes with a few special perks. First, the valedictorian usually gets special graduation regalia (also known as graduation attire) to help them stand out from the crowd. This can be a different colored robe, a unique tassel on your mortarboard, or an additional stole, cord, or medal. Each school has a unique set of regalia, but you’ll definitely get some additional swag for your hard work. Second- and more importantly- the valedictorian plays an important role in the graduation ceremony. Unlike most graduates, who will only come on stage to get their diploma, valedictorians usually sit on stage and actually participate in the ceremony itself by giving a speech. (We’ll talk about what that looks like in depth a little later.) Because the valedictorian is the top of the class, they serve as a representative for their classmates, which is a huge honor! Famous Valedictorians If you earn the title of valedictorian, you’ll be in great company! Here are some famous valedictorians you may know: Comedian Weird Al Yankovic (Lynnwood High School, 1975) Actress Jodie Foster (Lycee Francaise, 1980) Model Cindy Crawford (DeKalb High School, 1984) Photo by Sgt. Tracy Ellingsen What Is a Salutatorian? Just like a valedictorian, salutatorians are students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement during their four years in high school. Traditionally, the title of salutatorian is given to the second highest-ranking student in a graduating class. Just like the valedictorian, this is determined by a student’s cumulative, weighted GPA. If you want to become your school’s salutatorian, you’ll want to use the same strategy as valedictorians. Not only should you take AP and IB courses, you need to make sure you’re making great grades in them! After all, the higher your cumulative GPA, the more likely you are to become your school’s salutatorian. Furthermore, becoming salutatorian comes with many of the same perks as valedictorian. Like the valedictorian, the salutatorian often gets special graduation regalia to recognize their achievement. These are usually similar to the valedictorian regalia with minor adjustments. For example, if your school gives out special stoles, the stoles may be the same style but different colors! But at the end of the day, the goal is the same: unique regalia helps you stand out from the crowd while honoring your incredible achievement. Additionally, the salutatorian also plays a pivotal role in the graduation ceremony. Like the valedictorian, the salutatorian is tasked with delivering a speech on stage during the ceremony itself. The salutatorian’s speech serves a different purpose than the valedictorian’s speech- which we’ll talk about in the next section!- but it also serves as a special reward for the salutatorian’s hard work. Famous Salutatorians Before we jump into the differences between the valedictorian and salutatorian, check out this list of famous salutatorians you’ll definitely recognize: Carrie Underwood (Checotah High School, 2001) Michelle Obama (Whitney Young High School, 1981) Jimmy Carter (Plains High School, 1942) Photo by Baim Hanif Valedictorian vs. Salutatorian: The Big Differences By now you’ve probably figured out that valedictorians and salutatorians have a lot on common. But they also have a few important differences, too. Let’s take a close look at the unique aspects of each title. The Rankings Of course, the most obvious difference is in the numbers: valedictorians graduate ranked #1 in their class, while salutatorians take the #2 spot. When you’re a high achiever, coming in second might sound like losing. After all, most of us want to be first! But the fact is, there is usually very little mathematical difference between graduating first and graduating second. The difference between becoming valedictorian vs. salutatorian often boils down to hundredths- and sometimes even thousandths!- of a point. That’s why schools reward the top two students, since often there is very little difference between their academic performances! It all boils down to this: graduating as your class' valedictorian or salutatorian is a huge honor and a giant recognition for your hard work! Photo by Kane Reinholdsten The Speeches So if a valedictorian and a salutatorian both graduate at the top of the class, get fancy regalia, and give speeches during the graduation ceremony, what makes the awards different from one another? The biggest distinction between a valedictorian and salutatorian comes in the content of their speeches! The Valedictory Speech The term â€Å"valedictorian† actually comes from the Latin phrase vale dicere, which means to say farewell. In other words, despite coming in first in the rankings, the valedictorian’s speech often comes toward the end of the graduation ceremony. That means the valedictorian’s job is to put a capstone on their classmates’ high school experience. It’s a chance for students to say goodbye to high school while looking forward to their next adventures. Because of that, a valedictory speech often has two parts. The first part looks back at the memories and lessons of high school, and the second part talks about how students can carry what they’ve learned into the future. In other words, think of the valedictorian’s speech as wishing everyone a fond farewell while looking forward to the next step in life’s journey! The Salutatory Speech If the valedictorian’s job is to deliver a farewell address, then the salutatorian’s job is to welcome everyone to the ceremony! (The term â€Å"salutatorian† comes from the word â€Å"salutatory,† which means â€Å"of the nature of a salutation.†) Unlike the valedictorian, who often speaks to their fellow students, the salutatorian speaks on behalf of the graduating class in welcoming friends, family, and other loved ones to the ceremony. They also introduce any other speakers and representatives to the audience. After the official welcome, the salutatorian also has the chance to offer a few remarks to kick off the graduation ceremony. If the valedictorian’s speech about how to take high school’s lessons and experiences into the future, then the salutatorian’s speech is a celebration of the moment. After all, you only graduate from high school once! Photo by Logan Isbell How Does Graduating as a Valedictorian or Salutatorian Affect Applying for Colleges? The short answer is that it doesn’t really affect your application or admissions process since these honors aren’t awarded until the second semester of your senior year. By this point, you’ve already submitted your college applications. In fact, you might have already committed to your dream school if you applied early action! Additionally, even if you can list valedictorian or salutatorian honors on your application, most universities don’t weigh them very heavily in the decision-making process. That’s because it can be hard for admissions counselors to understand what those honors really mean. For example, some schools rely solely on GPA to determine whether someone becomes valedictorian, while other schools use a combination of GPA and extracurricular involvement. Some schools even allow the student body to weigh in by voting on candidates! It’s impossible for every admissions counselor to know the valedictorian and salutatorian criteria for every high school, so it’s easier for them to remove the ranking from consideration. William R. Fitzsimmons, the dean of admissions at Harvard, summed it up best when he told the New York Times, â€Å"I think, [the title of valedictorian is] a bit of an anachronism. This has been a long tradition, but in the world of college admissions, it makes no real difference.† Photo by OakleyOriginals Do All High Schools Have Valedictorians and Salutatorians? Although these are very common awards in American high schools, some schools have decided to treat these titles differently. The â€Å"None Of The Above† Approach In recent years, some high schools have decided to get rid of the titles of â€Å"valedictorian† and â€Å"salutatorian† altogether. Some schools believe that it creates unnecessary competition between students, while others have decided to move away from the titles as a matter of fairness. As Dr. Mary Gruccio, the superintendent of the Cumberland County School District in New Jersey, explains, â€Å"We have had issues in the past where kids have been so close together, within a fraction of a point†¦ [and] in my opinion, it creates a lot of anxiety that does not have to take place." Because the top students in a class are often separated by fractions of a point, removing the titles of valedictorian and salutatorian are a way to ensure fairness and equal recognition of students’ hard work. But that doesn’t mean that because a school doesn’t have valedictorians or salutatorians that they don’t recognize academic achievement! Some schools instead award unique graduation regalia to all students with high grades, while others have switched to the collegiate approach of allowing students to graduate with honors (or cum laude). The â€Å"Multiples† Approach But there are other schools who have swung the opposite direction: instead of abolishing the awards, they have decided to designate multiple valedictorians and salutatorians in each graduating class. Take, for instance, Washington-Lee High School in Arlington, Virginia. In 2015, the school designated 117 valedictorians out of a class of 457 graduates. (The school awarded any student with above a 4.0 the title.) So why would a high school choose to do this? The goal in awarding multiple valedictorians is the same as naming no one the title: fairness. As Winnie Hu writes for The New York Times, school principals believe that recognizing multiple valedictorians â€Å"reduces pressure and competition among students, and is a more equitable way to honor achievement, particularly when No. 1 and No. 5 may be separated by only the smallest fraction of a grade.† Administrators also argue that naming multiple valedictorians prevents grade inflation, since teachers might feel pressured to give bright students better grades to help their chances at scoring one of the top two spots in their graduating class. The Bottom Line Regardless of whether your school has none, one, or tons of valedictorians and salutatorians, remember that the title of valedictorian or salutatorian does not impact your ability to get into your dream school. While the honor is certainly nice, it’s a recognition of a student’s hard work, not a golden ticket into an Ivy League university. So aim for becoming valedictorian or salutatorian because it means something to you, not because you think it will make a difference to an admissions counselor! Your Next Steps So now that you know the differences in a valedictorian vs. a salutatorian, it’s time to get your journey to greatness off on the right foot! Want to graduate with a perfect GPA? Start by getting advice from someone who’s been there, done that. It can be hard to know your real GPA if you’ve taken lots of weighted AP and IB courses. Never fear: our weighted GPA calculator is here to help! AP classes are important, but they only help you if you’re making great grades in them. Get the scoop on how to plan out your AP courses for maximum impact, and get some perspective on how much harder AP courses are than their regular counterparts. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

End-to-End Hiring Initiative Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

End-to-End Hiring Initiative - Assignment Example With these types of unanswered questions to keep in mind, most organizations cannot really put a final closure to the duration of the hiring period. Because of the expectation that the right applicant has not been interviewed, the notice of a job opening is not yet closed. Another concern faced by the organization during this period is "how many managers are available to help out with this task?" The task of hiring is not included in the daily function of managers. They are normally busy with their daily workloads. A related question would be "how can the organization hire effectively under such circumstances?" To resolve such predicament, strategically integrating and re-engineering the five components established in the hiring process validate personnel selection procedures. The five components consist of; workforce planning, recruitment, hiring, security and suitability, and orientation. The entire process starts with the first component; workforce planning as its foundation. Work force planning, being a system process in identifying which individuals will be beneficial to the organization, these selected few can meet the establishment’s mission and goals. The second step procedurally moves on to recruitment, which is an on-going process. If job vacancies exist, this is where the hiring process becomes active. It can overlap into the next component, which is security and suitability where the candidate is assessed if his or her character, abilities, and behavior are in favor of the organization’s welfare. If the candidate for the job proves appropriate for the position, the organization’s responsibility is making sure the person is oriented to their rules and regulations.Â